duminică, 20 februarie 2011


Did you know pigs are very intelligent and learn very quickly? Actually, pigs rank no. 4 in animal intelligence behind chimpanzees, dolphins and elephants!!! They pick up tricks faster than dogs, piglets learn their names by two to three weeks of age and respond when called. Also, pigs are very social animals: they form close bonds with each other and other species, they enjoy close contact and lie close together when resting and communicate with each other using their grunts.
So.... please DON'T EAT THEM!

Bobby McFerrin - Don`t Worry, Be Happy

7 comentarii:

  1. Cat de haios este!!!!! :)))
    Eram in scoala generala, intr-o vacanta de vara, cand am avut grija (impreuna cu intreaga familie) de vreo 13 purcelusi respinsi de mama lor... ii hraneam zi si noapte, din 3 in 3 ore, cu biberonul... erau super super scumpi...

  2. so sweet! yes, don't eat them!!

  3. Esta foto me recuerda a alguien...que prefiero no nombrar.-

  4. este cat se poate de tare imaginea :D
    prefer carnea de pui in loc de cea de porc asa ca a scapat :D
